Anti-Inflammatory Natural Superfood Support

Inflammation is part of our body's natural defense response. When a virus or microbe enters the body, the immune system triggers an inflammatory response in order to eliminate the foreign body. However, there are certain conditions where inflammation is triggered, and the inflammatory response actually attacks the body's healthy cells.*

One of the best ways to combat this type of inflammation is by adding anti-inflammatory superfoods to your diet. Here are seven foods that may help you reduce inflammation.*


Turmeric has been enjoyed by many cultures throughout history, and studies(1) show why. Curcumin, the most important compound present in turmeric, is responsible for its excellent health benefits, including inhibition of the inflammatory marker CRP.*

Turmeric powder is a delicious addition to many culinary dishes, and can also be enjoyed in Golden Milk


Gingerols present in ginger are responsible for its antibacterial and anti-viral properties. Gingerols are believed to remove toxins from the body and keep the inflammatory response under check. 

Ginger powder is an easy way to enjoy this superfood, and can be used to make ginger immunity shots.


Tomatoes contain a carotenoid called lycopene, an antioxidant that may help support a healthy inflammation response.* It is best taken in conjunction with a fat source like olive oil for better absorption of lycopene. 

Olive Oil

A Mediterranean staple, extra virgin olive oil is one of the best fats you can ingest. It is loaded in monounsaturated fats, which offer a plethora of health benefits(2) like supporting cardiovascular health. It may also support normal cholesterol levels.*


Blueberries are loaded in antioxidants called anthocyanins, which make them one of the best anti-inflammatory superfoods on the planet. They are believed to help prevent cell damage. Another prominent antioxidant present in blueberries is quercetin, an anthocyanin that supports healthy inflammation.*


This nutritious and delicious cruciferous vegetable is shown to support cardiovascular health.* The compound that drives broccoli's anti-inflammatory properties is sulforaphane, an antioxidant that reduces the level of cytokines. Not a big fan of eating broccoli? Try using broccoli powder in a homemade pesto sauce.


Peppers, both chili and bell peppers, are a powerhouse of antioxidants that can help support a healthy inflammation response. Bell peppers contain quercetin, an antioxidant that reduces oxidative damage caused by sarcoidosis. Chili peppers contain sinapic acid and ferulic acid, which offer anti-inflammatory properties.*

A diet that contains a fair amount of anti-inflammatory superfoods is a natural, less complicated way of managing your health. Include more whole foods and reduce processed food for overall better quality of life.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.




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