Boost Your Mood with Superfoods

When the blues sink in, good food can help boost your mood. However there are certain superfoods that when incorporated into your diet can account for a boosted mood by maintaining a healthy brain.*

Studies have shown certain minerals and chemicals present in superfoods can affect your mood. Keep reading to understand how these superfood elements can help comfort the mind.

Folate Rich Foods

Folate refers to the many forms of Vitamin B-9. Hull York Medical School and the University of York conducted a study (1) that pointed towards a connection between low levels of folate and depression. If you are looking for mood boosting supplements, folate could be your first stop. It is found in abundance in swiss chard, tomatoes, lentils, walnuts and avocados. Asparagus is also one versatile vegetable that can boost low levels of folate.

Increase the intake of Magnesium Rich Foods

Magnesium has been reported to be very useful in combating anxiety and depression.* Magnesium containing superfoods for a boosted mood include chocolate, sunflower seeds, bananas, beans and lentils, oatmeal, almonds, Maca powder, hemp seeds, and chia seeds

Include foods loaded in Tryptophan 

The hormone serotonin helps us relax and boosts our mood. Tryptophan is an amino acid which helps boost the production of serotonin and may help improve sleep.* Research (2) suggests that when tryptophan levels are low it can lead to irritability. Top superfoods rich in Tryptophan are bananas, yogurt, honey, walnuts, chocolate, turkey and pumpkin seeds.

Vitamin C

Several therapies (3) use vitamin c to reduce distress and improve your mood because it has antioxidant properties and improves cognitive abilities.* A mood-boosting diet with a high intake of vitamin c includes sweet potatoes, asparagus, citrus fruits, maca powder, avocado, and bell peppers. There is also 1000mg of vitamin C in supplements, like FeelGood Immune Support capsules.

Foods Rich in Omega-3

A deficiency of omega-3 has been shown to contribute to aggressive behavior.* People with low levels of omega-3 in their blood have been reported to have a  moderate signs of depression. Omega -3 fatty acid is also helpful with impulse control (4). If Omega-3 is where you are falling deficient you can turn to superfoods like salmon, sardines, walnuts, chia seeds, avocado, hemp seeds, flax seeds, and almonds. Algae is also a great natural source of omegas, and is found in FeelGood™ Vegan Omega 3 softgels.

B-12 rich foods

Patients suffering from depression tend to have low neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine - the happy hormones. Vitamin B-12 works in conjunction with folate and converts amino acids to neurotransmitters.  Spirulina, mussels, turkey, eggs and salmon are some well known mood-boosting superfoods. It is also found in abundance in beans and lentils.


Nuts and seeds like brazil nuts, sunflower seeds and eggs are loaded with the mineral selenium. Low levels of selenium in the body can lead to anxiety, depression and irritability.* Selenium, because of its antioxidant properties, may help prevent the brain from oxidative damage.

The bottom line is, an unhealthy diet can impact your everyday mood. To put it simply, the brain requires its share of essential nutrients. It is vital to understand the primary nutrients that should be a part of our daily intake and how we can balance these nutrients through various foods. 






*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Mental healthNutrition 101

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